Thought Leadership

Profiles in Caring: Patricia Hendrick, RN

Profiles in Caring: Patricia Hendrick, RN

Meet Patricia (Pat) Hendrick, a registered nurse and one of many frontline heroes at United Hospice. Pat has been with United Hospice for two years, but has over 40 years of nursing experience....

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National Healthcare Decisions Day

National Healthcare Decisions Day

Now, more than ever, it’s time to start the conversation about advance directives. Today, April 16th, is National Healthcare Decisions Day, an annual initiative to encourage people to express their...

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Recording your history

Recording your history

At the end of life, people often want to take the chance to look back at everything they have done – and to make sure their stories will be passed on. By recording an oral history, you can preserve...

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Preparing for emergencies

Preparing for emergencies

Being a caregiver for a loved one on hospice is challenging day-to-day. As time goes on, caregivers face the added likelihood of a health emergency at home. Symptoms may develop quickly, during the...

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