United Hospice Care Services
Hospice Care

United Hospice supports and enhances the quality of life for seriously ill patients, as well as for their families. We provide specialized care services throughout Orange and Rockland counties honoring life, giving care, and bringing comfort to individuals. We provide patient-centered care wherever the patient feels most comfortable, often in their own home.
Joe Raso Hospice Residence Care

Located in a peaceful setting on 11 acres in New City, NY, the Joe Raso Hospice Residence is open to anyone. It offers a residential environment with the full complement of United Hospice’s comfort-oriented care—including expert pain and symptom management, nursing care, assistance with the tasks of daily living, visits by volunteers, spiritual and psycho-social counseling for patients and their loved ones, as well as bereavement counseling and support groups for family members.
Nursing Home Hospice Care

Nursing home ‘comfort care’ is not the same as hospice care. Without hospice, a patient suffering from a severe illness in a nursing home will not receive the specialized care that enhances their quality of life. United Hospice’s Nursing Home Care Program enables nursing home residents who are seriously ill to remain in a familiar environment while receiving the benefits of hospice care.
Quality of Life Care

Individuals facing the diagnosis of a time-limiting illness deal with more than the physical symptoms; they often feel a considerable amount of fear and emotional pain. Facing the unknown takes a toll on patients and their families. The United Hospice staff and volunteers are here to provide emotional support, spiritual counseling, and complementary therapies such as massage, music, and pet therapy—all designed to enhance the quality of life.
Hospice Care That Honors Veterans

United Hospice honors our nation’s veterans who have sacrificed so much in service to our country. We are proud to have been recognized as a We Honor Veterans Level Four Hospice Partner. This designation allows us to enhance the services we provide to each veteran receiving hospice care. When a veteran begins receiving service from United Hospice, we work with the patient’s family to plan a special pinning ceremony in honor of his or her service to our country.
Care That Helps Conquer Health Disparities

United Hospice wants to be a part of the solution to the health disparity seen throughout the healthcare industry. Latinos make up nearly 20% of the population in the state of New York, yet only receive 2% of the hospice care provided. We want to see a dramatic change in those statistics! United Hospice provides highly specialized, patient centered care to all patients regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, location, or socioeconomic status.
Bereavement and Grief Care

Grieving is normal. It is an honest and natural response to any loss. When your loved one has passed on, it is crucial that you find support that can give you the strength to live a healthy and full life while you take the time you need to work through your grief. United Hospice offers 13 months of free bereavement and grief support to our community through individual sessions, support groups, youth programs and crisis intervention.
Educating Yourself About Care Options

United Hospice believes in empowering those who are suffering from life-limited illnesses through education. We feel it is essential to provide as much information as possible to those exploring hospice. If you want more information about how to make your health care wishes known, how to cope with the diagnosis of a severe illness or how to prepare for the loss of a loved one, please visit the Education Section of our website.