Grieving is normal.
Coping with the loss of a loved one is hard – no one should have to do it alone. That is why United Hospice is proud to offer Bereavement and Grief Support for up to 13 months at no cost to all families who have lost a loved one in our care. As part of our commitment to the community, we offer several services at little to no cost to those who have experienced the death of a loved one who was not in our hospice care.
When your loved one has passed on, finding support can help give you the strength to live a healthy and fulfilling life while you take the time you need to work through your grief.
Because everyone grieves differently, United Hospice offers several different types of services.
Individual Sessions & Support Groups

United Hospice offers both one-on-one and group sessions for those who have lost a loved one. These services are available for up to 13 months for those whose loved one had undergone hospice care. Our team of counselors, social workers, and volunteers work with families to help them navigate the grieving process. They give them tools to cope with their loss and begin building a healthy, fulfilling lives.

Healing Hearts Program

Losing a loved one can be especially devasting for children. United Hospice created the Healing Hearts Program – a free-of-charge support program for families with children, ages 4-18. The program works with the family, bringing them together for group activities and working individually so that the entire unit can begin to heal and build a healthy life.
Community Support & Crisis Intervention

When our community is hurting, we all hurt. United Hospice offers bereavement services to anyone in our Hudson Valley community who has experienced a loss, even if they have not been under hospice care. And, if a tragedy befalls our community, United Hospice is available to offer crisis intervention in the form of a customized bereavement program for your school, business, congregation or community organization.
If you have lost a loved one and need support, please call United Hospice’s Bereavement Services Department at 845.634.4974 to speak with a staff member or click here for more information.