Trusted In-Home Hospice Care in Rockland County

As the leading in-home hospice care provider in Rockland County, we prioritize the comfort and quality of life for our patients. Our dedicated physicians and nurses provide compassionate care that is tailored to meet each patient’s unique needs. Trust us to deliver the highest standard of hospice care directly to your home, anywhere in Rockland County.

Wherever You Are in Rockland County, We Come to You

We are committed to serving the entire Rockland County community. Our centrally located Rockland County offices ensure that our team and resources are always nearby, ready to provide care and support to patients wherever they are. We’re here when you need us.

Is Now the Right Time for Hospice?

We understand that starting in-home hospice care can feel overwhelming for families in Rockland County. Our compassionate team is here to help you determine if this is the right time for you or your loved ones to begin this journey. We’re here to support you every step of the way and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

Why Rockland County Residents Choose United Hospice Year After Year

  • 24/7 Availability
  • Family-Centered Care
  • Comfort in Familiar Surroundings
  • Emotional & Bereavement Support
  • Compassionate Care Team
  • Respite Care for Caregivers
  • Comprehensive Support Services
  • Support for Daily Living Activities
  • Customized Care Plans
  • Specialized Therapy Services
  • Expert Symptom Management
  • Cultural and Religious Sensitivity

Rockland County In-Home Hospice Care Services

  • Physicians

    Our at-home hospice volunteers offer emotional support, companionship, and practical help with daily activities to ensure your loved one’s comfort.

  • Nursing Services

    With our at-home hospice service, you receive continuous care from our dedicated nurses, ensuring your comfort and well-being are consistently managed.

  • Home Health Aide

    Our at-home hospice care includes comprehensive home health aide services to assist with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and meal preparation, ensuring your comfort at home.

  • Social Work

    We provide personalized social work services at home, assisting with resource coordination, advance care planning, and connecting you with community services to meet your specific needs.

  • Chaplain/Spiritual Services

    With our at-home hospice service, our dedicated chaplains offer family counseling, spiritual resources, and support to ensure everyone's spiritual well-being.

  • Bereavement Support

    Our at-home hospice service includes personalized bereavement support, providing one-on-one counseling and tailored resources to help your family cope with loss.

Here for Our Rockland County Residents 24/7

Our care team is available 24/7 to provide continuous support to Rockland County residents, ensuring that all their needs are met.

Want to Talk to Our Rockland County Care Team?

Reach out to our team to learn more about the enrollment process and discover what you can expect from our compassionate, high-quality in-home hospice care in Rockland County at United Hospice.

  • David Chmielewski, MD

    Medical Director
  • Rogia Rosemberg

    Director of Nursing
  • Diane Ingenito

    Director of Clinical Services
  • Domenic Monaco, MD

    Palliative Physician

Frequently Asked Questions

When Should Rockland County Families and Patients Consider Hospice Care?
Families and patients in Rockland County should begin considering in-home hospice care when curative treatments are no longer effective, and a patient’s quality of life has noticeably declined. A physician may recommend hospice care when a patient has a life expectancy of six months or less due to a terminal illness.

At United Hospice, our clinical team is here to manage symptoms and enhance the quality of life for those receiving in-home hospice care in Rockland County.
Who Pays for Hospice Care in Rockland County?
Who Is Eligible for Hospice Care in Rockland County?
Does Hospice Care Mean Giving Up Hope?
What Happens If a Patient’s Condition Improves While in Hospice Care?
What Is the Process for Admitting Someone to Hospice Care?
How Is Pain Managed in Hospice Care?
What Services Does In-Home Hospice Care Include?
Can Hospice Care Be Provided in a Nursing Home or Assisted Living Facility?
What Should Families Expect During Hospice Care?

Rockland County Common Eligibility Criteria

Is your condition not listed? Contact us to check if it’s covered under New York State eligibility criteria.

  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Pulmonary Disease

  • Digestive System Diseases

  • Nervous System Diseases

  • Cancer & Tumors

  • Genitourinary System Diseases

  • Cardiovascular Diseasese

  • Liver Diseases

We Honor & Care for Our Veterans

At United Hospice, we are committed to providing specialized care for veterans in Rockland County who have honorably served our country. Understanding the unique experiences and sacrifices that come with military service, our hospice team is trained to meet the specific needs of veterans during their end-of-life journey. We offer personalized care plans that address the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each veteran, ensuring they receive the dignified and compassionate care they deserve.

We work closely with veterans’ organizations to offer additional resources, including counseling, support groups, and help with navigating the VA healthcare system.

Our mission extends beyond medical care. We create a supportive and respectful environment where veterans and their families feel truly valued and honored.