Receiving the diagnosis of a life-limiting illness is one of the most challenging situations you will ever face. You and your family will likely experience various emotions and have many questions.
One of the most common is…
Is It Time For Hospice Care?
It is never too soon to call Hospice. Shortly after you have received a diagnosis is the best time for the conversation to begin. The earlier United Hospice becomes involved, the sooner we can help and the better the outcome for the entire family. You can start to gather information, explore your loved one’s wishes and focus on living in comfort with their remaining time. We frequently hear from patients and their families that have benefited from our services “I wish I had called Hospice sooner.”
Another is…

Am I Eligible For Hospice Services?
If you answer yes to any of the following questions, you or your loved one may be eligible for hospice services:
Is treatment no longer helping, working or desired?
Has the patient experienced one or more life-threatening infections during the past six months? (such as pneumonia or sepsis)
Have there been multiple admissions to the hospital or trips to the emergency room during the past year?
Has there been unintentional weight loss and/or decreased food intake?
Is there difficulty swallowing? Has a physician suggested placement of a feeding tube?
Has there been a continued decline in ability to function?
Have you been told that there is no further treatment available and care should focus on providing comfort or relieving distressing symptoms as opposed to disease-directed/life-extending interventions?
Is it becoming increasingly difficult for the caregiver to care for the patient?
Has a medical professional provided information that leads you to believe the patient has a limited life expectancy?
The above list is by no means a complete list. You don’t have to face this hard time alone. United Hospice exists to provide support for patients and their families. Please call us at 845-634-4974 to discuss your personal situation and we will contact your doctor and meet with you to help determine the right time for services to begin.
Calling Hospice is not giving up. It is a positive step toward getting the compassion and assistance you need. It is deciding to live in comfort when time matters most!