Hospice Care At Home or In Residence? It’s Your Choice
After you or a loved one receives a life-altering diagnosis, many questions begin to flood your mind. Even after you have decided to receive hospice care, there are still more questions to be answered.
One of the most common is…
Where Will I Receive Services?
The choice is entirely up to you!
Although our specialized care is provided primarily in patients’ homes, we can also provide hospice care in residence at another facility.

For some, receiving hospice care at home is not the ideal answer. Maybe you live alone, lack a support system, do not have adequate space, or are unable to care for an ill loved one in your home. No matter the reason, other options are available that will allow you to receive United Hospice’s highly skilled hospice care.
Our compassionate staff can also provide our specialized comfort care at:
Local hospitals
Most skilled nursing facilities
Assisted living facilities
Group homes
United Hospice Joe Raso Hospice Residence
Other residential settings
Our staff is here to help you as you begin to walk through this challenging time. Please call us at 845-634-4974 to discuss your situation. Lean on our experience and compassion. We are here for you.