Healthcare Professionals
United Hospice Welcomes All Healthcare Professionals
United Hospice is a valued resource for physicians and nurse practitioners throughout Orange and Rockland counties. We work alongside your team to offer additional care for patients facing the diagnosis of a severe illness. An end-of-life diagnosis can be overwhelming for patients, filled with physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges. We have a full staff of nurses, clinical social workers, aides, spiritual care advisors, and home healthcare aides as well as a variety of support services ready to offer your patients additional support.
We frequently hear from patients and their families: “We wish we had heard about hospice sooner.” As a result, we believe that it is never too early to call hospice. The following pages have been put together to help healthcare professionals identify appropriate individuals to refer for services. We hope you find them helpful. Thank you in advance for your referral and for allowing us to help you care for your patients when time matters most!
Our medical director is available to consult you in caring for your hospice patients. Please feel free to contact our helpdesk to coordinate a consultation with our Medical Director, Dr. David Chmielewski, by calling 845-634-4974.

Benefits of Referring to United Hospice

United Hospice offers medical, palliative, spiritual and emotional support to patients during the last months of their lives. Our expertise is in managing the symptoms and pain that often accompany advanced illness, but it goes well beyond that. Hospice is about improving the quality of life for patients, their caregivers, and their families when time matters most. When a healthcare professional refers a patient to United Hospice, they receive many benefits, including a partner in the delivery of patient care, patient retention and support.
Guideline for Hospice Referrals

United Hospice wants to be a resource for healthcare professionals. As such, our team is always available to answer questions about the hospice benefit. We know that doctors and nurse practitioners understand their patients best. When it comes time to determine if you should refer your patient to hospice we ask, “Would you be surprised if your patient were to pass away in six months or less?” If the answer is no, a referral to hospice may be indicated.
Provider Billing Guidelines

A physician or nurse practitioner providing care to a patient enrolled in United Hospice can still receive reimbursement for the services provided. If the patient is covered by private insurance or Medicaid, the healthcare provider should bill for services as they would typically do. If Medicare covers the patient, the Federal government has established some billing guidelines. To find out more about the provider billing guidelines, click here.