Person writing notes on clipboard speaking to another person
Donate - United Hospice Program Funds

Giving to United Hospice

When You Give, It Makes A Difference!

For over 30 years, United Hospice, a not-for-profit hospice, has provided care, and support to thousands of your neighbors, colleagues and friends in Orange and Rockland Counties. We remain as committed to our mission of honoring life, giving care, and bringing comfort to individuals and their families facing serious illness as we did on day one.

We invite you to join our mission by making a charitable donation to United Hospice!

Every gift makes a difference. They allow us to provide services to those in need, regardless of their ability to pay.

We have several opportunities for giving!  Find out more about our giving programs so that you can make an informed decision about where your donation will go by exploring below!

Giving to United Hospice

United Hospice General Donation

Donations made towards United Hospice allow us to continue our mission of helping those with serious illnesses live in comfort regardless of their ability to pay. Contributions can be made in memory of a loved one, to honor a loved one currently receiving care, for an exceptional caregiver, or commemorating a noteworthy milestone.

Joe Raso Hospice Residence Donation

Donations made to support the Joe Raso Hospice Residence assist United Hospice in providing around-the-clock care in our warm residential environment. Located in New City, New York, the Joe Raso Hospice Residence offers the full complement of care, including expert pain and symptom management, nursing care, assistance with daily tasks, spiritual counseling, bereavement counseling, and support groups for surviving family members.

Jeffrey David Walerstein Walk of Honor

The Jeffrey David Walerstein Walk of Honor, located at our Joe Raso Hospice Residence, allows you to donate to the mission of United Hospice while honoring a particular person, commemorating a special date, or paying tribute to the memory of a loved one. Stones can be engraved with any words that are meaningful to you and are available in two sizes.

Pachter Family Tree

The Pachter Family Tree, located in the atrium of our Rockland County Office was established in memory of Harvey A. Pachter, a hospice volunteer and later a hospice patient and made a significant gift to name the tree in his honor permanently. By purchasing a leaf or stone for The Pacther Family Tree, you create a lasting message of love.

COVID 19 Crisis Campaign

We have been providing peace and comfort for over 30 years, and we intend to be doing so long after the COVID 19 pandemic passes. Unfortunately, COVID 19 has created an increased need for services and increased expenses to keep our front-line staff safe. Make a positive difference in your backyard when we need it the most!

Annual Appeal

We love keeping in touch with our loyal supporters. Our newsletters share news that is happening inside our organization, as well as stories of the families that have been touched by the care provided by United Hospice. Throughout the year, our newsletters will also include a giving envelope that allows our United Hospice family to easily contribute a donation that supports our mission.

United Hospice Program Funds

Several funds have been established to ensure that United Hospice can continue to provide specific programs to those suffering from severe illnesses. The Robyn Herbst Complementary Therapy Fund was created in honor of Robyn Herbst to continue the complementary therapies. The United Hospice board created The Bonnie Walsh Education Fund to ensure the continuation of the educational programs that reflected the values Bonnie held so deeply. The Amy Stern Fund was established to honor our former CEO, to further the development and training of our administrative staff and to support beautification efforts at the Joe Raso Hospice Residence.

Planned Giving

Create a legacy by planning a gift that guarantees United Hospice’s compassionate care will continue. Planned Giving provides the opportunity to commit a charitable gift now that will benefit United Hospice in the future. It will allow us to continue providing compassionate, high-quality care to those suffering from time-limiting illnesses. It goes beyond writing a check; a legacy gift can be designated in a will, a retirement plan, or a life insurance policy.

Circles of Life

To honor and give a heartfelt thank-you to those who have made a significant financial contribution to United Hospice, we created our Circles of Life Program. The names of our Circles of Life members are proudly displayed at the United Hospice Office in Rockland County and are included in our newsletter, annual report and here on our website.

Establish Your Own Giving Campaign

Those whose lives have been touched by hospice care are searching for a meaningful way to give back to the organization that has meant so much: you can establish a giving campaign of your own!

There are various ways that a campaign can be started, and their focus can be as unique as the people they honor. 

Together we can bring more comfort, give more care and honor more lives – regardless of someone’s ability to pay. Where would you like your donation to go?

United Hospice is a community-based 501(c)(3) not-for-profit hospice, Tax ID: 13-3425315.

We respect the privacy of our donors and will not share your information with anyone.

Your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
